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  • Writer's pictureCade Sobie

Association between Urban Green Spaces and Mental Health

Urban environments are associated with higher risk of mental illnesses, though researches are not sure why. In some cases, urban dwellers experience a 50% increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders in comparison to rural residents. Additionally, children growing up in urban environments face a 200% increased risk of developing schizophrenia. When comparing the effects of the lowest level of green space compared to the highest

level, people living in the lowest levels of green space faced a 15% to 55% higher risk of mood disorders.

While it can be difficult to isolate these factors from other known risk factors, such as parents' socioeconomic status, urbanization, familial history of mental illness, and parental age, the association between green space and mental health was found to be comparable in magnitude to these factors.

The study also found that the positive effects of urban green spaces were more significant when present during childhood, as compared with single-year green space presence. This is important because it means that not increasing the amount of urban green spaces is allowing future generations to grow up facing an increased risk of psychiatric disorders.

"Green space can promote mental health by supporting psychological restoration, encouraging exercise, improving social coherence, decreasing noise and air pollution affecting cognition and brain development, and improving immune functioning"

Rocchio, Laura. “Green Space Is Good for Mental Health.” NASA. NASA. Accessed January 12, 2022.

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